Southern Steer is led by a visionary executive team with decades of experience in helping franchise owners thrive
Greg Snyder, Founder and President
Mr. Snyder has served as the founder and President of Southern Steer Butcher, LLC in Clearwater, Florida since 2013. Mr. Snyder spent most of his corporate career in the restaurant industry, including over 20 years with Bloomin’ Brands. He spent his final seven years with Bloomin’ Brands as a Managing Partner for Bonefish Grill, where he was awarded Partner-of-the-Year four times. Mr. Snyder’s corporate restaurant experience provided the framework and foundational disciplines he used to develop and grow the Southern Steer brand.
Jack Lapointe – Managing Partner
Mr. Lapointe has been a Managing Partner since our inception on June 30, 2020. Prior to that, Mr. Lapointe was the Founder and President of JAN-PRO Cleaning Systems, Inc. and was the Founder and Chairman of JAN-PRO Franchising Int’l, a globally recognized franchise brand with 10,000-unit franchisees. He also was Founder and President of Retail Recruiters and Spectra Professional Search, a National Franchisor of Executive Search Agencies. Mr. Lapointe’s high level of expertise is based on over 40 years of experience in developing, operating, and franchising businesses on an international level.